Donna Avery

Practical Medium, Spiritual Consultant and Mentor, Hay House CERTIFIED CARD READER, Author, and Card Deck Creator

Everyone can benefit from growing their own capacity and connection to Divine wisdom. 




Dates, services, pricing, and DIY online booking 

are available on my booking calendar.

Note:  If you don't see a day & time that works for you, contact me,

I'm writing, so I can be flexible

Scan QR code on the next page Or 


You are ...

You have a divine team that's with you always.

 They're hoping you will ask them for their help. 

They can't intervene on your behalf, without your

 permission. That's the rules of free will.

Who are they? What do they do? How do you find them?

Practical Mediumship

helps people remember their sacredness, connect to their Divine Allies, and 

revive their zest for life.

Benefits of working with me:

a practical medium 

focused on getting you actionable steps and insight  from the other side, 

to help you navigate the life you have 

as you move toward the life you want 

may include

Increased clarity and intuition 

Greater peace and well-being 

Specific answers to your specific questions

Unlock Your Inner Potential

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Enhanced Resilience 

Manifesting Dreams and Goals 

Support and Encouragement from me and your divine team

A Deeper Sense of Purpose

Transformative Personal, Spiritual, and Career/Business Growth

I am...

Medium, author, spiritual teacher, oracle deck creator, and reader of tarot and oracle cards. 

Through my work, I guide clients on their spiritual journeys 

as a MEDIUM by

as a TEACHER by

as a AUTHOR by

as a deck creator and Hay House Certified Oracle Card Reader by

Book #1

Here's a hint...

Card Deck #1

Here's a hint...

Article #1 Coming soon

Article #2 Coming soon

Article #3 Coming soon

Article #4 Coming soon


None scheduled at this time, but check back soon. 

I'm developing some great things.

If you'd like to learn specific, use the "Contact Us" to make your suggestion.
